MoveMe and MoveMe Mates

What is MoveMe?
It's an exciting group exercise programme for people with Parkinson’s led by Physiotherapists . The classes are supported by Parkinsons.Me and take place twice a month at the Loyd Lindsay Rooms in Ardington and Snells Hall, East Hendred in Oxfordshire and online on the other week's of the month.
How can it help me?
Research has shown that exercise is beneficial for the management of Parkinson’s symptoms at any stage of the condition.
All MoveMe classes are circuit based and aim to incorporate a range of exercises including aerobic, strength, flexibility and balance training. In particular, there is a focus on large amplitude exercises (big movements) and dual tasking (cognitive training) to target and improve some of the specific challenges typically seen with Parkinson’s.
And above all, the classes aim to be engaging, sociable and fun!!
Will it be suitable for me?
To ensure the exercise is safe for you, you will need to complete and return an exercise screening form before you come to the class. This will be sent to you when you register your interest (see below). For example, you will need to be able to walk ten metres in ten seconds, indoors and without using any walking aids.
Can my partner come too?
Parkinsons.Me is all about families, so we’re organising refreshments for carers and partners in another room while you work hard on your exercises. This will be a chance to share experiences and have a chat, but we’re also hoping to organise talks on specific topics as the classes progress
How can I sign up and how much does it cost?
The cost of the classes is supported by Parkinsons.Me, which means that each hall based class costs just £5.00 per participant. To check if there is a place in the class, please email
Tell me more
If you would like to know more, please download our leaflet
What is MoveMe Mates?
This is a safe and secure environment where you will meet new people, make new friends, share experiences and have a chat.
We also organise talks on specific topics for example, diet and finance.
We also arrange coffee mornings on a Sunday where we get together either in the Parkinsons.Me garden or at a local cafe.
"How good it was to laugh and be in a room full of laughter. It truly is a family in its own rights. It was real downtime; an opportunity to find out about one another’s lives, families, interests, worries and wisdom. I would sum it up as LLL - learn, lean and laugh."
"I wish I had gone along years ago – what a breath of fresh air!
I was warmly welcomed by the group; people from different backgrounds, lifestyles, gender and ages but we all had one thing in common, PD is part of our lives".